I am a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University. I joined CS@BU in Fall’17 and I am working with Prof. Orran Krieger and Prof. Renato Mancuso. My interests lie in system level performance optimization of applications running on server-like systems via controlling interference from contention over shared hardware resources at the memory hierarchy.
My hobbies include playing with my aunts Lab, reading and hibernating in winter.
UKL: The Next Stage of Linux’s Dominance
Ali Raza, Parul Sohal, James Cadden, Jonathan Appavoo, Ulrich Drepper, Richard Jones, Orran Krieger, Renato Mancuso, Larry Woodman
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
E-WarP: A System-wide Framework for Memory Bandwidth Profiling and Management
Parul Sohal, Rohan Tabish, Ulrich Drepper, Renato Mancuso
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)
Real-Time Systems Journal
A Closer Look at Intel Resource Director Technology (RDT)
Parul Sohal, Michael Bechtel, Renato Mancuso, Heechul Yun, Orran Krieger
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS)
Integrating Unikernel Optimizations in a General Purpose OS
Ali Raza, Thomas Unger, Matthew Boyd, Eric Munson, Parul Sohal, Ulrich Drepper, Richard Jones, Daniel Bristot de Oliveira, Larry Woodman, Renato Mancuso, Jonathan Appavoo, Orran Krieger

2017 – Present

2013 – 2017

2011 – 2013
CAS CS 112: Intro. to Computer Science 2
Teaching Assistant, Boston University, Fall 2017 Advanced programming techniques and data structures using the Java language.
ENG ECE 528: Cloud Computing
Teaching Assistant, Boston University Fundamentals of cloud computing covering IaaS platforms, OpenStack, key Big Data platforms, and data center scale systems.
CAS CS 210: Computer Systems
Teaching Assistant, Boston University Fundamental concepts of computer systems and systems programming.